• Why NSFW porn clips are popping up on regular sites today

    id=”article-body” class=”row” section=”article-body” data-component=”trackCWV”> VidMe went defunct, and sites that hosted its videos are now unwittingly hosting embeds to a very NSFW porn site. The pornographic imagery has been cut from this screenshot. Screenshot by Daniel Van Boom/CNET Do you remember ? It was a video hosting and streaming site set up in 2014 that

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  • Have You Been a Victim of Revenge Porn?

    Revenge porn is when someone shares sexually explicit images or videos of another person without their consent, whether it be online or offline, with the aim of causing distress or harm.Revenge porn can fall under Cyber Crime and convictions can fall under various acts depending on age and content of the material. If found guilty,

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  • Covenant Eyes Helping You Win The Battle Against Porn

    Pornography has become a big nuisance to parents in many places worldwide.With the World Wide Web anyone, anywhere can have access to porn on the internet using a net connection. It creates a problem for individuals, parents, businesses and kids too. To solve this, here comes Covenant Eyes – Helping you win the battle against

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  • How to Quit Porn Addiction?

    It is really very chronic psychological condition when a person, sex addict keeps indulging in watching pornography. It could be worst if left untreated for a prolonged period of time. Therefore, many pornography treatment centers are available that provide comprehensive treatment plans. The major question raise that what exactly the pornography addiction means. Moreover, what

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